Compression is an essential process to reduce the amount of information by reducing the number of bits; this process is necessary for uploading images, audio, video, storage services, and TV transmission. In this paper, image compressions with losses from this action will be shown for some common patterns. The compression process uses different mathematical equations that have different methods and efficiencies, so some common mathematical methods for each style are presented taking into consideration the pros and cons of each method. In this paper, it is demonstrated that there is a quality improvement by applying anisotropic interpolation to edge enhancement for its ability to satisfy the dispersed data of the propagation process, which leads to faster compression due to concern for optimum quality rather than fast algorithms. The test images for these patterns showed a discrepancy in the image resolution when the compression coefficient was increased, as the results using three types of image compression methods proved a clear superiority when using “partial differential equations (PDE)”.